12th Nov 2014
Life here of late has been a bit hectic , it gets like that often..
Our fledgling "awareness campaign" is well on track and many glowing testimonials continue to come in from near and far.
My most humble thanks to all those who have made this effort for me.
FCO in London and the Prime Ministers' offices have recieved first drafts and furthermore appropriate recipients are being located.
The details of the irregular court and arrest procedures for my case and all the events which, up till now, have been presented here , have been published and are in various stages of adaptation for presentation to different audiences.
This is a lot of work requiring many carefully worded letters and coherent and accurate mail replies.
So we are presently busy with a fairly critical and sensitive stage of this project , and l alone here do not really have the equipment or resources available to control all of this as well as we would like.
There are others looking into this presently, and their very astute observations.. professional opinions and respected influence will soon form the main impetus of this campaign.
As you may imagine.. here in prison.. it is as if I have one hand behind my back.. and l need time to evaluate information carefully before l respond to mail queries.
Local newspapers are interested in running articles on this l gather and my media officers will be liasing with them in the weeks ahead.
This is not a bad thing as l think it will occupy a very limited exposure which is better for this initial phase.
It will also plant the initial seeds of the story, from where it is likely to spread, and then hopefully join up with the pieces we have assembled on facebook.. in my blog sites, and with the ever growing crowd of sympathetic and loving supporters.
Listen closely here please.
My case cannot ever be revisited through the courts ..as l have explained repeatedly.
The only way through all this would be through repeated influencial appeals for clemency.
But.. if you read carefully what l have written.. and many people dont... then..anyone will see, that all my indiscretions that led to my deliberate entrapment...arrest... and conviction... were for reasons which l have explained.
Calculated misdemenours.
Not entirely innocent by any means..but most certainly not criminal.
I've admitted to being clumsy.. careless.. gung-ho.. or arrogant as rather neccessary requirements for my job in war torn Iraq ...and have apologised for this in court ..written and verbally.. but to no avail.
If you had read and understood what l have published previously to this article..to a select few trusted friends and family,..then you would realise that my conviction was decided, even before my arrest.. and the court processes were a mere formality and window dressing.
The reason for this being, that four very wealthy druglord criminals were released from this same jail..upon my arrest.. for alledgedly giving me up as their big supplier.
No matter what l said to convince the CID police and the law courts to the contrary... their plan was so well made and executed..every time l opened my mouth, l only dug my grave deeper.
These freed criminals will not be recaptured and taken back to jail when, what they have done to implicate me , is exposed to the world.
And so it has stayed... signed and sealed by all the media long before my court results, or my futile and expensive appeal.. right up to this day.
Six years later.. after many of my closest family and friends had tried and failed to explain the confusion and to beg for diplomatic intervention and clemency...a couple of friends chanced apon the blatant travesties that had played out..and proceded to initiate a media campaign to highlight this prolonged travesty.
Bit by bit .. l was finally able to tack most of it together on this tiny illegal device, from my prison cell, all, or most of the missing information, that had for so long been so effectively concealed.
As l gained proficiency in the use of social media.. l was able to deliver pieces of the whole evil plan, gleaned from well informed and implicated criminal individuals in jail here.
These convicted criminals are all linked to the intricate family network of the powerful underworld which controls everything in the government.. the country and the mideast.
And l mean everything!
So of course.. here l am still.. these extensive cartels are not fools and can not be trifled with.
My caution here remains because of this, as there is no proof.. no evidence.. no witnesses.. no d.n.a or fingerprints.. no video or voice recordings and only me.
Destitute.. broken.. defamed.. alone..
However.. there is frequent evidence in the local press, of the gross legal abberations taking place here.
I have a few articles on this, to share on request.
This pattern repeats itself daily throughout the entire middle east sadly.
For my case, and this story.. their continued blatantly corrupt and arrogant practices only lend credibility to the version of events l have finally been able to expose..and present.
And this is where we find ourselves now.
I am by no means any longer alone ..as every dear friend who learns of these events, is now able to see all the pieces together in context of todays events.. and they are able to make their own decisions on it all. And do you know what ??
They all come to the same conclusion.. and ever more support for a measure of diplomatic intervention pours in every day.
By now if you've read this far.. l certainly hope you will be in a position to form a clearer opinion on everything l have presented here.
l remain at your disposal to reply to, or clarify any aspects of this actual version of events .. which you may find unclear or deficient.