Dear Gareth,
Thank you all this amazing, particularized narrative.
Your honesty and integrity are as truly remarkable as your ability to write. There can be no doubt that your life was in reflection dramatic and spectacular.
The recent experience seems almost as if it was a turn of the screw, intensifying your experience. You are more than qualified to write your own story and make it literature.
I believe that you do not need an emanuensis to script your story, only a recorder and an analyst. This you have in three persons, if not more.
Once I have relayed my collated info overseas, the documents will be labelled, packed, and returned to Tammy from you can collect or have sent back upon your release.I believe you have same qualities as St Paul, because of your Christian witness.
You have saved lives, given life, brought release and peace to some of those unfortunates with you. Your own intense suffering has so sharpened your wits so as to more than qualify your writing for a more permanent place in the literature of our times.Remain the shining example you are in the very hand of God.