Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ch (7) Back End Of 2015

As the weeks slip on by...

I  continue to keep my spirits up by maintaining contact with a few stalwart friends on email and whatsapp.

Its such a great relief to have a waiting message and when conditions permit I will respond as best i can, often taking many hours over a single email reply.

Often just chatting away using voice clips or even video.

Since my most attentive carer.. my old mom has left for a place of peace.. I too am far more relaxed and content to wait for the next significant event in our adventure.

.Its christmas 2015 and I have been fairly muted in my internet  escapades...because I have seen how impotent embassy have been,  even when its clear they are aware of the channels that are open to them to contest my continued incarceration  diplomatically.

Even as there have been significant advances made in the mutual return and exchange  of prisoners as  extraditions by request between judiciaries at top level.

I dont fall into this category as i am not a wanted criminal.. but merely a UK citizen, arrested and convicted under dubious circumstances.I no longer issue a stream of indignant questions and appeals to all manner of knowledgeable and influencial friends...

Appeals for thier advice.. or for them to query or to make appeals for attention to the legal irregularities...or at least for thier approaches for clemency on my behalf.
I am patient and measured..

I am using this time to reassess and disseminate all we have discovered ...evenly.. bit by bit and consistently.

 I recently came across a few notes I had made long ago in 2009.. after my first few months of incarceration.

Questions I had prepared to pose to the next visiting consular representative.

They were sympathetic i think.. but it was so hard for me to communicate with anyone outside.. and even they were at pains to get messages to me.

I wrote as follows;

I am living in a ghost world.. almost surreal it is so awful..

My army training was worse than this though... but even then..I was able to recieve and write letters and phone. But not here..

Im lost in this trap.. quickly forgotten it seems.. muzzled.. helpless.. ashamed because I cant rebuff.. explain or aknowledge my actions.Subdued by this hostile and unforgiving.. punishing environment.

That 1) 
On the day of my arrest l was interrogated under duress alone without legal council.

2) I was arrested alone and in broad daylight as i carried out normal logistical tasking for my empoyers.

3) There were no impartial witnesses and no evidences were presented in court... and embassy were present to see this.

4) No airport or border police witnessed this alledged activity.

The goods loaded onto my vehicle were loaded by kuwaitis in jahra far from any border or air terminals.

5) There was no video or taped blood tests or my finger prints on any of the said contraband.

6)  No adequate opportunity to brief with a lawyer.. my appointed lawyer here at the prison.No lawyer briefing before my appeal court hearing.

7). My first court hearing took less than six minutes and my appeal court also had no evidences or witnesses present.. nor was i able to testify at any time nor were any of the proceedings translated for me.

8) I have been so well behaved and have consistently set a good example wherever i may be.

Saving water.. picking up litter.. replacing used equipment...keeping my room and bedspace clean and neat... scrubbing out toilets and showering areas and clean neatly ironed clothes.

9) I have participated in workshops as electrician and servicing technician.

10) I have participated in school where i have learnt to read and write in arabic .

11) I have attended religious and language studies where I have learnt the local.customs and traditional courtesies.

12)  I have been a well behaved model prisoner as confirmed by the senior prison managers who mentioned this to embassy on every occasion.

13) There are a few kuwaiti witnesses who know of the irregular legal processes leading up to my arrest and conviction.
They are prepared to corroberate these details independently and discretely later.
These names are on file with me.

There are a number of inmates in here , who have approached me at various times with details of my deliberate entrapment by the Kuwait C.I.D.
The purpose of illegal entrapment was so the CID police could build  a more substantial case against me to justify the political leverage they required for prisoner plea bargains.

These individuals declined to give me thier names or any further information for obvious reasons of personal safety.

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